What is "The Box"?
If you’ve purchased any of our Advantage Brand toner cartridges recently, you may have noticed the cartridge was packaged in “The Box”. The concept behind “The Box” was to create a more useful box; a box that is not covered with obnoxious graphics that can be reused for other applications. We put the company information on the bottom of the box and used took a minimalist approach for product identification. Hopefully we achieved our goal and many of you are finding other uses for “The Box”.
Recycling the corrugated cardboard is preferable to chunking the box in the landfill. But better yet is using the box for storage especially if it keeps you from purchasing a new box.
In addition to using the box to return your toner cartridges for recycling, we plan to offer additional recycling services where you can use the box to recycle batteries, tennis shoes, etc.
We would love to include a free Advantage return label with each toner cartridge like HP does, but it’s just not economically feasible. Especially with increased fuel costs, shipping costs have gone out of control. For certain cartridges that are high in demand, we will provide recycling labels to return the cartridges to Advantage. And we have a huge supply of HP recycling labels. So if you want to recycle your cartridges with HP, just let us know when you order and we’ll include an HP recycling label. Or if you don’t mind paying shipping, we are happy to recycle your cartridges for you, but you’ll have to get the cartridge here on your dime.
We’re pretty particular about the cartridges we remanufacture and for most cartridges we only use”virgin” cartridges, that is cartridges that have never been remanufactured before. We have outlets for non-virgin cartridges as well, so you can be assured any cartridges you send to us will be recycled.
One way or another, be sure to re-use “The Box”. Thanks! -Marvin
1 Comment to What is "The Box"?
I want to thank the blogger very much not only for this post but also for his all previous efforts. I found blog.advlaser.org to be very interesting. I will be coming back to blog.advlaser.org for more information.
February 20, 2010